TLDR: Behemoth games are great, Behemoth games on Switch would sell nicely. Also seeing as Nintendo is making it easier for 3rd party devs to make games on their system now(they learned from the Wii U's mistake), and a lot of other indie games devs are joining in, like creators of Terraria, Stardew Valley, Shovel Knight etc. It's a pain starting over from scratch I know, but if Behemoth were to bring their games to the switch I think they'd get a lot of recognition and even more sales. Being able to bring it anywhere or dock it for tv play. I think it'd be neat bringing a switch to school and splitting Joy Cons to vs my friends in Battle Block or play Pit People with anyone anywhere. And I believe this time around Nintendo will support it strongly and are advertising it well. The Switch is off to a really strong start with 5 million units sold. And for Nintendo it was Alien Hominid in 2004.

I did some researching and the last Behemoth game to come to a portable was Castle Crashers(2008) for the psp, but Sony didn't support it so the psp ultimately died. I think Pit People on the switch would be a pretty big seller. Battle Block Theatre is what really got me using my xbox 360, and I just love Castle Crashers and Pit People too.